Friday, March 25, 2011


Finally... I am contributing to this project.  When we started talking about doing a blog, I was really excited, until I started thinking about actually writing posts that people were gonna read.  Hence the lack of my presence thus far.  I will no longer procrastinate.  Jess has inspired me to just put it out there.  So here goes.

I have not known Jess very long, but I felt like we clicked right away.  The first time I met her, we were busy moving our belongings into our new housing, and she offered to watch our kids at the playground while we were busy working.  I remember thinking, "Wow, super nice lady, hope I get to know her."  Boy, did I get to know her ; )  We have become great friends and I would do anything for her. 

I have two kids, Gracie is 7 and Colby is 5.  I love my kids and they keep me on my toes.  We have had many adventures together and look forward to many more.  I love trying to give my kids new experiences and teaching them new things.  I want to give them as many life experiences as possible.  We live in a beautiful state with many places to explore.  I am excited to share these adventures with you through the lens of my camera.  Hope you enjoy!

    Gracie age 7

Colby age 5

- posted by Jen

1 comment:

  1. yay! congrats on your first post! it only gets easier from here. great pics, btw! LOVE them!!
